Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome & Introduction

    • Why "Research Communications"?

    • Introduction

  • 02

    Workshop 1 - How to present your research to a broader audience

    • Overview of workshop (Read me)

    • Part 1 - My research career as an example of a communications journey

    • Part 2 - Bridging the gap between your research and the world out there

    • Part 3 - Tip #1 "Being creative in your storytelling"

    • Part 3 - Tip #2 "The power of metaphors"

    • Part 3 - Tip #3 "Knowing your audience"

    • Part 3 - Tip #4 "Practice makes perfect"

    • Part 4 - Q & A + Discussion

    • Q1 - "How do you communicate interdisciplinary research"

    • Q2 - How do you communicate something from the world to the world in the right way?

    • Q3 - How do interactions with different fields impact your communications?

    • Q4 - Communicating incentives?

    • Q5 - How do you discover the right metaphor for the right audience?

    • Q6 - How do you overcome the fear of public speaking?

    • Q7 - Knowing when to use and how to use the right metaphor?

    • Q8 - How do you overcome culture diversity and present authentically?

    • Part 5 - Quiz

  • 03

    Workshop 2 - Strategies for helping your research presentation reach wider audiences

    • Overview of workshop 2 (read me)

    • Part 1 - Review of last workshop

    • Part 2 - Introduction to speaker

    • Part 3a - An overview of my career for context

    • Part 3b - How do we communicate

    • Part 3c - A few examples

    • Part 3d - Tell a story

    • Part 3e - Sound of speech

    • Part 3f - Visual aids

    • Part 3f - Examples (visualisation of data)

    • Part 3f - Examples (simplifying statements)

    • Part 3g - Listener repertoire

    • Part 3h - Presentation examples

    • Part 3i - Half Life your presentation

    • Part 3j - Professional presentation with critique (example 1)

    • Part 3j - Professional presentation with critique (example 2)

    • Part 3k - Presentation example from presenter

    • Part 3l - Using examples

    • Part 3m - Tools to ensure your research reaches audiences

    • Part 3n - Final thoughts and advice

    • Part 4 - Q & A

    • Q1 "High level research from Bosnia & Herzegovina?"

    • Q2 "Picking a single visual aid for 3MT"

    • Q3 "Motivation for publicly sharing your research"

    • Part 5 - Quiz

  • 04

    Workshop 3 - Online & Media engagement of your research (BHS)

    • Overview of workshop 3 (read me)

    • Part 1 - Uvod

    • Part 2a - Nije važno šta kažete, već šta drugi čuju

    • Part 2b - AMEN Princip

    • Part 2c - Obrazovna struktura publike

    • Part 2d - Ispričaj priču

    • Part 3 - Nastup pred kamerama

    • Part 3a - Trema

    • Part 3b - Vježbajte

    • Part 3c - Istražite sve okolnosti

    • Part 3d - Elementi komunikacije

    • Part 3f - Priprema za snimanje

    • Part 3g - Izgled

    • Part 3h - Oblačenje

    • Part 3i - Sjedenje

    • Part 3j - Online Intervjui

    • Q - Zašto predstaviti svoj rad na 3MT?

    • Quiz

  • 05

    Workshop 4 - Feedback and Analysis

    • Overview of workshop 4 (read me)

    • Part 1 - Introduction

    • Part 2a - Presentation example 1

    • Part 2a - Presentation Feedback

    • Part 2b - Presentation example 2

    • Part 2b - Presentation Feedback

    • Part 2c - Presentation example 3

    • Part 2c - Presentation Feedback

    • Part 2d - Presentation example 4

    • Part 2d - Presentation Feedback

    • Part 3 - Discussion on feedback

    • Part 4 - Rewarded examples

    • Part 5 - Conclusion

  • 06

    Workshop 5 - How to communicate Science in Media

    • Part 1 - Introduction

    • Part 2 - Why communicate with the media?

    • Part 3 - Media forms and audience

    • Part 4 - Preparation for communication with the media

    • Part 5 - Do's and Don'ts For Presentations

    • Part 6 - Relations with journalists

    • Part 7 - Important little things that make a big difference

    • Part 8 - Q&A: Fear of Camera

    • Part 9 - Q&A: Facial Expressions and Body Movements

    • Part 10 - Q&A: How to get rid of long caption when creating posts

  • 07

    Workshop 6 - 3MT video tips and tricks

    • Know your audience

    • Pick your battles

    • Script and continuity

    • Your accompanying slide

    • Summary

  • 08

    Workshop 7 - Implications of Science & Research Work

    • Seeing the bigger picture

    • My research journey and lessons learnt

    • Q & A - How do you make a novel contribution and what are the major obstacles?

    • Q & A - What makes a great researcher?

    • Q & A - How do you overcome the feeling that even after a Ph.D. you have not made such a significant contribution?

    • Q & A - How do you narrow research interests, especially if they are completely different fields?

    • Q & A - Is it a frequent occurrence to be only in the research sector without being in the real (clinical/medical) sector simultaneously?

    • Q & A - An example of how research has impacted patients

    • Q & A - How will Artificial Intelligence impact research?

    • Q & A - To what extent do changes in the microbiome affect our behaviour?

    • Q & A - Any major differences in the academic job market over the last 15 years & advice for current Ph.D. students?

    • Q & A - Any general tips on writing a thesis?

  • 09

    Workshop 8 - From academia to industry: making the leap

    • Introduction

    • My career journey before the leap

    • Academia was not for me / How do you decide what to do.

    • Extracurricular activities during your research

    • Can't find it? Create it!

    • Key tips for a career transition

    • Q & A - Academia and Industry co-dependence?

    • Q & A - Academics teaching industry practices without industry experience?

    • Q & A - How do you make a jump into a meaningful industry job?

    • Q & A - Academia to Industry vs Industry to Academia transition?

    • Q & A -What initial steps should one make in order to transition to industry?

  • 10

    Workshop 9 - Research Communication: What, Why and How?

    • Introduction

    • What?

    • Why?

    • How?

    • Things to consider

    • Tools

    • A guide to presenting

    • Speech, Body, Face, Dress-code

    • Presenting to non experts